Alternative Title
Alternative Title 2
Original Title Sur les toits
Original Language French
Leading Actor Daniel Defert
Second Actor Henri Leclerc
Third Actor Serge Livrozet
Director Nicolas Drolc
Second Director
Producer Nicolas Drolc
Scriptwriter Nicolas Drolc
Film Type Documentary
Country France
Date of Original Release 01/01/2014 00:00:00
Synopsis At a first glance "Sur les toits" is a film about a prison revolt in the North East of France in the early 1970's. However this film is not about a singular historic incident - it is about you. You think you are free? Well, you are most likely not. Freedom must be fought for every day and this film is a reminder of that ancient fact. Director Nicolas Drolc has understood it is all about making the personal universal. His film is not soley about prison or the correctional system, his film is about raising one's voice and defining one's own fate. In a time where we all think we are so g'damn free "Sur les toits" makes us look back to see what fighting for one's freedom and dignity truly means.
Part No 1
Production Company les Films Furax
Cinematographer Baptiste Cozzupoli
Composer Jérémie Malisz
Editor Nicolas Drolc
Title Number 3887
Date of Original Transmission
Date of Recording for the Library
Channel Recorded from
Length of Program 95
Colour Black and White
Sound Stereo
Screen Type 16:9
Subtitled English
Department FRENCH
Video Format DVD REGION 2